Current Time: Sunday, Dec 22, 2024 (11:40:45) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
client ascending descending admin ascending descending type ascending descending added ascending descending expires ascending descending reason ascending descending
XpertKiller |FH|mits TempBan Sunday, 06/16/2024 (11:39) Monday, 06/17/2024 (11:39) spawn camping
LidsOpen |FH|mits Ban Saturday, 06/15/2024 (20:32) permanent dont come back
BATMAN {FH} Spankeem Ban Friday, 06/14/2024 (21:51) permanent evading permanent ban on other GUID
Makson Flying Otter mute Wednesday, 06/12/2024 (21:55) Wednesday, 06/19/2024 (21:55) disrespect
Masartus <3 {FH} Nightcap mute Wednesday, 06/12/2024 (09:59) Wednesday, 06/12/2024 (10:59) haxcusations
leito_oficia |FH|mits Ban Tuesday, 06/11/2024 (19:47) permanent all offences with spawns
DMan |FH|mits TempBan Sunday, 06/09/2024 (15:45) Sunday, 06/09/2024 (15:51) too many warnings: spawn camp
GTPlayz69 {FH} Spankeem mute Saturday, 06/08/2024 (16:09) Sunday, 06/09/2024 (08:48) 15 connections and a potty mouth - learn some respect
Terminator {FH} Spankeem TempBan Saturday, 06/08/2024 (07:48) Saturday, 06/15/2024 (07:48) spawn clays
GTPlayz69 {FH} Spankeem TempBan Friday, 06/07/2024 (20:56) Saturday, 06/08/2024 (00:56) dont be rude when you play on our server thanks
wannabeSOLDIER {FH} Spankeem Ban Friday, 06/07/2024 (19:36) permanent homophobic comments and evading ban
gaycuntgodiefag {FH} Spankeem Ban Friday, 06/07/2024 (19:29) permanent severe homophobic outburst
Queer {FH} Spankeem TempBan Friday, 06/07/2024 (19:24) Friday, 06/07/2024 (23:24) homophobic slur
[StoryMode] {FH} Spankeem mute Friday, 06/07/2024 (19:15) Friday, 06/07/2024 (20:15) dont come here winding people up
MatPar Se7eN mute Friday, 06/07/2024 (18:32) Saturday, 06/08/2024 (18:32) Enough!!
CID_15 rabbit Ban Thursday, 06/06/2024 (13:59) permanent perm spawn camp
MardelMarcel rabbit Ban Thursday, 06/06/2024 (13:17) permanent hax
gezenguzguszti rabbit Ban Thursday, 06/06/2024 (13:15) permanent hax
Rolling $'s rabbit Ban Wednesday, 06/05/2024 (12:57) permanent hax too
cienmen rabbit Ban Wednesday, 06/05/2024 (12:57) permanent hax
CID_15 rabbit TempBan Wednesday, 06/05/2024 (12:01) Thursday, 06/06/2024 (12:01) spawn camper pro level
leito_oficia rabbit TempBan Monday, 06/03/2024 (17:03) Thursday, 06/06/2024 (17:03) spawn camping & clay on spawn
MikeHunt FHSTRIKER TempBan Sunday, 06/02/2024 (15:57) Sunday, 06/02/2024 (16:03) too many warnings: King spawn camping
Rochan rabbit TempBan Saturday, 06/01/2024 (15:51) Saturday, 06/01/2024 (15:57) too many warnings: clay on spawn
Rochan Pestilence TempBan Saturday, 06/01/2024 (15:37) Saturday, 06/01/2024 (15:47) Don't clay spawns
        [tempban] [permban]  
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