Current Time: Monday, Dec 23, 2024 (12:03:01) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
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Pippen Finals TempBan Monday, 10/09/2023 (13:31) Monday, 10/09/2023 (13:39) too many warnings: spawn clays are not allowed
Pippen Finals TempBan Monday, 10/09/2023 (13:14) Monday, 10/09/2023 (13:20) too many warnings: do not clay spawns on this server
Johnny_Bravo {FH} Spankeem TempBan Sunday, 10/08/2023 (22:45) Monday, 10/09/2023 (02:45) no more spawn facing claymores
ZuxerSteel Flying Otter TempBan Wednesday, 10/04/2023 (18:42) Wednesday, 10/04/2023 (18:48) too many warnings: no clays on spawns
MatPar {FH}Darkness TempBan Sunday, 10/01/2023 (22:19) Sunday, 10/01/2023 (22:25) too many warnings: PLEASE DO NOT TUBE SPAWNS
JusticeMan Dingo Ban Friday, 09/29/2023 (15:42) permanent Wall hack
a {FH} Spankeem TempBan Wednesday, 09/27/2023 (20:56) Thursday, 09/28/2023 (00:56) dont use homophobic slurs here
KekeszNinja {FH} Spankeem Ban Wednesday, 09/27/2023 (18:19) permanent Stop Insisting. hagyd abba a sugalmazst
Froot(Loops) Flying Otter Ban Tuesday, 09/26/2023 (15:40) permanent hack
Gold Flying Otter mute Saturday, 09/23/2023 (23:50) Saturday, 10/21/2023 (23:50) language/disrespect
gay_ryan {FH}Darkness TempBan Monday, 09/18/2023 (20:13) Monday, 09/18/2023 (20:19) too many warnings: LAST CHANCE.. PLEASE CHANGE YOUR NAME
Shoulder Flying Otter Ban Sunday, 09/17/2023 (18:11) permanent hack
3xP Clan Dingo mute Saturday, 09/16/2023 (15:31) Tuesday, 09/26/2023 (15:31)
GRINYA {FH}Darkness TempBan Sunday, 09/10/2023 (22:19) Sunday, 09/10/2023 (22:25) too many warnings: please respect the players
KekeszNinja |FH| Indi TempBan Saturday, 09/09/2023 (09:05) Saturday, 09/09/2023 (13:05) aimbot
U<3toH8 Dingo TempBan Friday, 09/08/2023 (16:30) Saturday, 09/09/2023 (16:30) Had enugh of him for a while
U<3toH8 Dingo mute Friday, 09/08/2023 (16:29) Saturday, 09/09/2023 (16:29)
Beni {FH} Nightcap Ban Friday, 09/01/2023 (17:28) permanent game under review fhclan
GRINYA Flying Otter mute Tuesday, 08/29/2023 (02:53) Tuesday, 09/05/2023 (02:53) language/disrespect
GRINYA {FH}Darkness TempBan Monday, 08/28/2023 (23:45) Monday, 08/28/2023 (23:51) too many warnings: language and disrespect
nigga {FH}Darkness TempBan Sunday, 08/27/2023 (22:05) Sunday, 08/27/2023 (22:11) too many warnings: please change your name, its offensive and not allowed here
{fart}SupraWo Dingo TempBan Saturday, 08/26/2023 (16:26) Saturday, 08/26/2023 (16:41) (Supr) stop trolling spawns
Covid vaccine FH|Arugala TempBan Monday, 08/21/2023 (20:27) Monday, 08/21/2023 (20:43) too many warnings: Please follow rule 3: be respectful
KAKAVBACK Kitty TempBan Saturday, 08/19/2023 (18:45) Saturday, 08/19/2023 (18:51) too many warnings: Change Your Name
Toxic {FH} Nightcap Ban Friday, 08/18/2023 (09:00) permanent game under review
        [tempban] [permban]  
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