Current Time: Thursday, Dec 26, 2024 (23:15:29) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
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Alien!! Dingo Ban Saturday, 06/18/2022 (22:53) permanent Hack - demo on forum
111 Dingo mute Saturday, 06/18/2022 (22:05) Monday, 07/18/2022 (22:05)
El-Zilcho |FH|CouchSweat TempBan Saturday, 06/18/2022 (03:59) Saturday, 06/18/2022 (04:11) too many warnings: Rule #9: Camping is allowed, Spawn camping/trolling is not. (claying,nading,tubing and rpg's on spawn are not allowed)
MuffThumper |FH|CouchSweat TempBan Friday, 06/17/2022 (23:47) Friday, 06/17/2022 (23:57) too many warnings: Rule #9: Camping is allowed, Spawn camping/trolling is not. (claying,nading,tubing and rpg's on spawn are not allowed)
HenryIreton Dingo mute Friday, 06/17/2022 (21:58) Friday, 07/15/2022 (21:58)
HenryIreton Dingo mute Friday, 06/17/2022 (21:21) Saturday, 06/18/2022 (21:21)
Pai_do_toze Dingo TempBan Friday, 06/17/2022 (19:53) Friday, 06/17/2022 (19:59) too many warnings: Follow the rules - or a ban will follow
MeaN_DoG Kitty TempBan Thursday, 06/16/2022 (20:48) Friday, 06/17/2022 (00:48) Spawn Camping and Nading
Badgirly whatchamacallit Ban Thursday, 06/16/2022 (19:19) permanent for cheating
brObush Dingo TempBan Wednesday, 06/15/2022 (23:35) Wednesday, 06/15/2022 (23:41) too many warnings: Come back with a decent name please mate
Minitorres Dingo mute Wednesday, 06/15/2022 (23:24) Friday, 07/15/2022 (23:24)
HeatoN {FH} Spankeem TempBan Wednesday, 06/15/2022 (01:14) Wednesday, 06/15/2022 (05:14) there was no need for that - take a break and show some respect when you come back
vipoun Kitty TempBan Tuesday, 06/14/2022 (02:17) Tuesday, 06/14/2022 (04:17) racist remark
johni# Deathdealer TempBan Sunday, 06/12/2022 (11:12) Sunday, 06/12/2022 (15:12) aimbot
Yahoodi |FH|CouchSweat TempBan Sunday, 06/12/2022 (01:18) Sunday, 06/12/2022 (01:30) too many warnings: Rule #9: Camping is allowed, Spawn camping/trolling is not. (claying,nading,tubing and rpg's on spawn are not allowed)
Sirusdavirus |FH|CouchSweat TempBan Sunday, 06/12/2022 (01:14) Wednesday, 06/15/2022 (01:14) in constant violation of rule 9
Pai_do_toze Dingo mute Saturday, 06/11/2022 (16:19) Monday, 06/13/2022 (16:19)
FRANCO77 whatchamacallit mute Saturday, 06/11/2022 (14:20) Saturday, 06/11/2022 (16:20) for being annoying and disrespectful to players
ElBarto2525 Se7eN mute Saturday, 06/11/2022 (11:03) Saturday, 06/11/2022 (13:03) Just stop
ElBarto2525 Se7eN TempBan Saturday, 06/11/2022 (10:52) Saturday, 06/11/2022 (10:58) too many warnings: Strike 3
Epsichraun Lou1 TempBan Saturday, 06/11/2022 (01:46) Saturday, 06/11/2022 (02:12) too many warnings: swearijng
ACF_chef {FH} Spankeem TempBan Friday, 06/10/2022 (21:01) Saturday, 06/11/2022 (01:01) dont c4 spawns
BRAZZERS whatchamacallit TempBan Friday, 06/10/2022 (20:45) Friday, 06/10/2022 (20:51) too many warnings: rule 3
crisco |FH| Nightcap mute Friday, 06/10/2022 (10:41) Friday, 06/10/2022 (10:56) Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing
Pepino Flying Otter mute Friday, 06/10/2022 (02:32) Friday, 06/17/2022 (02:32) Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing
        [tempban] [permban]  
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