Current Time: Friday, Dec 27, 2024 (21:30:35) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
client ascending descending admin ascending descending type ascending descending added ascending descending expires ascending descending reason ascending descending
Pai_do_toze FHSTRIKER TempBan Thursday, 06/09/2022 (14:23) Thursday, 06/09/2022 (14:29) too many warnings: claying spawns
Pippen FHSTRIKER TempBan Thursday, 06/09/2022 (14:16) Thursday, 06/09/2022 (14:22) too many warnings: do not clay spawns here
ACF_chef Kitty mute Thursday, 06/09/2022 (11:47) Thursday, 06/09/2022 (12:47) WEEEE
rogue Flying Otter mute Wednesday, 06/08/2022 (22:55) Wednesday, 06/15/2022 (22:55) disrespect
priceless |FH| Nightcap TempBan Wednesday, 06/08/2022 (15:17) Wednesday, 06/08/2022 (15:23) too many warnings: spawn camping nading the works
Lt_Deek |FH| Nightcap TempBan Friday, 06/03/2022 (14:56) Friday, 06/03/2022 (15:06) change name cambia nombre
Staffy197 |FH| Nightcap mute Thursday, 06/02/2022 (11:41) Tuesday, 06/07/2022 (11:41) enough
ACF_chef Kitty mute Monday, 05/30/2022 (15:03) Monday, 05/30/2022 (23:03) Wee
TheReSa Kitty Ban Sunday, 05/29/2022 (03:52) permanent Aim Bot
MedicGaming FH|Arugala TempBan Friday, 05/27/2022 (18:35) Friday, 05/27/2022 (18:41) too many warnings: Change your name please
MamaHuevo FH|Arugala TempBan Tuesday, 05/24/2022 (19:57) Tuesday, 05/24/2022 (20:03) too many warnings: Please change your name
fatcocksuckr Flying Otter TempBan Monday, 05/23/2022 (02:28) Monday, 05/23/2022 (02:34) too many warnings: change your name please
MikeHunt |FH|CouchSweat TempBan Sunday, 05/22/2022 (00:13) Friday, 05/27/2022 (00:13) perpetually in violation of rule 9
brandon Kitty Ban Saturday, 05/21/2022 (20:44) permanent Hack
SOD Kitty TempBan Friday, 05/20/2022 (23:58) Saturday, 05/21/2022 (23:58) homophobic language
Charlie Brown Dingo mute Friday, 05/20/2022 (17:21) Monday, 05/30/2022 (17:21)
spin4rD. Flying Otter Ban Friday, 05/20/2022 (01:23) permanent wallhack
GeorgeFloyd Lou1 TempBan Tuesday, 05/17/2022 (00:19) Tuesday, 05/17/2022 (00:35) too many warnings: behave yourself
Hungk73 Flying Otter TempBan Monday, 05/16/2022 (16:15) Monday, 05/16/2022 (16:21) too many warnings: no clays on spawns
OggYoo! |FH| Nightcap mute Monday, 05/16/2022 (12:29) Monday, 05/16/2022 (13:29) enough
Slartibartfast Dingo mute Friday, 05/13/2022 (15:27) Friday, 05/13/2022 (15:57)
Cel.MARQUES |FH| Nightcap TempBan Friday, 05/13/2022 (09:43) Friday, 05/13/2022 (10:13) racisim
MikeHunt |FH| Nightcap TempBan Tuesday, 05/10/2022 (16:51) Tuesday, 05/10/2022 (16:57) too many warnings: spawn camping nading
Karma |FH| Nightcap Ban Monday, 05/09/2022 (11:44) permanent spawn camping claying and nading
Judgement Day Dingo mute Monday, 05/09/2022 (03:37) Wednesday, 06/08/2022 (03:37)
        [tempban] [permban]  
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