Current Time: Friday, Feb 07, 2025 (20:15:32) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
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Jackson Emu mute Thursday, 12/16/2021 (21:14) Sunday, 12/26/2021 (21:14)
BASHandSlash Kitty mute Tuesday, 12/14/2021 (23:40) Tuesday, 12/14/2021 (23:50) because I can
Leith Emu mute Friday, 11/19/2021 (16:02) Wednesday, 11/24/2021 (16:02)
stakleni {FH} Spankeem Ban Tuesday, 11/16/2021 (13:05) permanent - wallhack
Flyspyder {FH} Spankeem TempBan Saturday, 11/06/2021 (21:30) Saturday, 12/04/2021 (20:30) spawn nading and c4ing
Terminator |FH| Nightcap mute Wednesday, 11/03/2021 (10:59) Wednesday, 11/10/2021 (09:59) haxusations
TheMan Cosmic Crisp TempBan Tuesday, 10/26/2021 (18:13) Tuesday, 10/26/2021 (18:19) too many warnings: no clays on spawns
Karma {FH} Spankeem TempBan Saturday, 10/23/2021 (21:53) Saturday, 10/23/2021 (21:59) too many warnings: dont nade spawns
FernandoZ BurningDaylight TempBan Saturday, 10/16/2021 (19:22) Saturday, 10/16/2021 (19:28) too many warnings: Please do not place clays in spawns
kodown Kitty mute Wednesday, 10/13/2021 (16:59) Wednesday, 10/13/2021 (17:09) Being Stupid
Carlao Veneno |FH|CouchSweat TempBan Monday, 10/11/2021 (20:37) Monday, 10/11/2021 (20:49) too many warnings: Rule #9: Camping is allowed, Spawn camping/trolling is not. (claying,nading,tubing and rpg's on spawn are not allowed)
LORDPHANTOM4 |FH|CouchSweat TempBan Monday, 10/04/2021 (21:28) Monday, 10/04/2021 (21:40) too many warnings: Rule #9: Camping is allowed, Spawn camping/trolling is not. (claying,nading,tubing and rpg's on spawn are not allowed)
jaseyboy Cosmic Crisp mute Sunday, 10/03/2021 (03:20) Sunday, 10/10/2021 (03:20) disrespect
jaseyboy Emu mute Sunday, 10/03/2021 (02:14) Sunday, 10/03/2021 (02:29)
MaraZmatiq Emu mute Saturday, 10/02/2021 (15:59) Monday, 11/01/2021 (15:59)
MTM420 |FH|CouchSweat TempBan Monday, 09/27/2021 (21:56) Monday, 09/27/2021 (22:02) too many warnings: change your name
kaTana z TempBan Sunday, 09/26/2021 (19:57) Sunday, 09/26/2021 (20:01) too many warnings: stop spamming the chat
Sussybaka420 Emu mute Saturday, 09/25/2021 (22:24) Monday, 10/25/2021 (22:24)
baddad {FH} Spankeem TempBan Thursday, 09/23/2021 (19:45) Monday, 09/27/2021 (19:45) spawn camping and nading
Marahuchii whatchamacallit TempBan Wednesday, 09/22/2021 (21:04) Wednesday, 09/22/2021 (21:10) too many warnings: you should know better than to spawn camp here!
NINJ3RK |FH|Ben TempBan Sunday, 09/19/2021 (01:57) Sunday, 09/19/2021 (02:07) Watch your language.
ITS SIRWAN Kitty mute Saturday, 09/18/2021 (22:19) Saturday, 09/18/2021 (22:29) do not spam, shut-up!
BenDover Emu mute Saturday, 09/18/2021 (17:00) Monday, 12/27/2021 (16:00)
ITS SIRWAN Emu mute Friday, 09/17/2021 (22:16) Friday, 09/17/2021 (22:26)
Deaf_Piro Emu TempBan Friday, 09/17/2021 (16:31) Monday, 09/20/2021 (16:31) Gehrloser Piro Sie sind fr 3 Tage gesperrt - STOPPEN Sie das Spawncamping
        [tempban] [permban]  
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