Current Time: Saturday, Feb 08, 2025 (5:30:27) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
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drewski Kitty mute Thursday, 05/20/2021 (10:43) Thursday, 05/20/2021 (11:03) annoying
Raw Emu mute Saturday, 05/15/2021 (01:09) Saturday, 06/26/2021 (01:09)
Carlao Veneno FH|Arugala TempBan Friday, 05/14/2021 (17:50) Friday, 05/14/2021 (17:56) too many warnings: NO CLAYS IN CAVE
naklo1992 Emu TempBan Sunday, 05/09/2021 (01:37) Sunday, 05/09/2021 (01:43) too many warnings: Leave the spawns alone in future please
dx0707 Cosmic Crisp TempBan Sunday, 05/09/2021 (00:29) Sunday, 05/09/2021 (00:37) too many warnings: do not spawn camp
HammerHands FHPlatoonLeader TempBan Saturday, 05/08/2021 (13:18) Saturday, 05/08/2021 (13:24) too many warnings: No tubes on a spawn exit or a spawn.
Cam Emu mute Friday, 05/07/2021 (16:13) Friday, 05/07/2021 (16:28)
naklo1992 FH|Arugala TempBan Wednesday, 05/05/2021 (19:14) Wednesday, 05/05/2021 (19:20) too many warnings: Kicking for nasty behavior
Maxtec Placidusax TempBan Saturday, 05/01/2021 (16:13) Saturday, 05/01/2021 (16:25) too many warnings: Rule #9: Camping is allowed, Spawn camping/trolling is not. (claying,nading,tubing and rpg's on spawn are not allowed)
sulu |FH| Nightcap Ban Tuesday, 04/27/2021 (14:45) permanent WH
AbataR Emu mute Thursday, 04/22/2021 (04:14) Thursday, 05/06/2021 (04:14)
tonyzonee {FH} Spankeem mute Wednesday, 04/21/2021 (03:27) Wednesday, 04/21/2021 (20:06) dont be rude on this server
BAXTERTSTER {FH} Spankeem TempBan Monday, 04/19/2021 (23:08) Tuesday, 04/20/2021 (03:08) dont spawn camp on this server
Saic-o {FH} Spankeem TempBan Monday, 04/19/2021 (23:05) Tuesday, 04/20/2021 (03:05) dont set claymores on spawns - period
Mikedirtypus Kitty TempBan Sunday, 04/18/2021 (00:04) Sunday, 04/18/2021 (01:04) Disrespect
Fag Cosmic Crisp TempBan Friday, 04/16/2021 (23:28) Friday, 04/16/2021 (23:34) too many warnings: change your name please
ElmerFudd Kitty TempBan Wednesday, 04/14/2021 (22:39) Thursday, 04/15/2021 (02:39) Spawn Camping
Viorelli Cosmic Crisp mute Wednesday, 04/14/2021 (02:55) Friday, 04/16/2021 (02:55) Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing
CHOKERO z TempBan Monday, 04/12/2021 (18:44) Monday, 04/12/2021 (18:52) too many warnings: Rule #9: Camping is allowed, Spawn camping/trolling is not. (claying,nading,tubing and rpg's on spawn are not allowed)
nrztuga @115 mute Monday, 04/12/2021 (05:08) Thursday, 04/07/2022 (05:08)
nrztuga @115 mute Monday, 04/12/2021 (05:06) Monday, 04/12/2021 (11:06)
SupremeDoggy {FH} Spankeem mute Saturday, 04/10/2021 (04:24) Saturday, 04/10/2021 (05:24) dont come here to spam
SupremeDoggy {FH} Spankeem mute Saturday, 04/10/2021 (04:01) Saturday, 04/10/2021 (04:06) please dont badger people
Viorelli {FH} Spankeem mute Saturday, 04/10/2021 (03:56) Saturday, 04/10/2021 (04:56) dont be rude
Alexios |FH| Colklink TempBan Sunday, 04/04/2021 (09:57) Sunday, 04/04/2021 (10:03) too many warnings: clay inspawns
        [tempban] [permban]  
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