Current Time: Monday, Feb 10, 2025 (9:44:44) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
client ascending descending admin ascending descending type ascending descending added ascending descending expires ascending descending reason ascending descending
vVv Moses Kitty mute Tuesday, 08/11/2020 (21:29) Tuesday, 08/11/2020 (21:59) do not spam, shut-up!
{BCT} The Jud Kitty TempBan Sunday, 08/09/2020 (15:55) Sunday, 08/09/2020 (16:05) being smartass
GOR FHSTRIKER TempBan Thursday, 08/06/2020 (16:29) Thursday, 08/06/2020 (16:35) too many warnings: behave yourself
vVv Moses Kitty mute Wednesday, 08/05/2020 (00:33) Wednesday, 08/05/2020 (00:43) do not spam, shut-up!
Crxfamily Emu mute Saturday, 08/01/2020 (19:05) Thursday, 08/06/2020 (19:05)
77solor Emu TempBan Saturday, 08/01/2020 (18:26) Tuesday, 08/04/2020 (18:26) Spawn Nading still
kevdog Se7eN mute Thursday, 07/30/2020 (13:35) Thursday, 07/30/2020 (14:35) min
SZPILA |FH|FAZE TempBan Monday, 07/27/2020 (19:10) Monday, 07/27/2020 (19:16) too many warnings: Stop nading spawns
yunglimp FH|Arugala TempBan Friday, 07/17/2020 (02:53) Friday, 07/17/2020 (02:59) too many warnings: Change your name
BenZhi BigDuke6 Ban Sunday, 07/12/2020 (21:05) permanent aimbot
NiggaBigga z TempBan Saturday, 07/11/2020 (16:13) Saturday, 07/11/2020 (20:13) Rule #1: No racism of any kind
DaOldBear |FH| Nightcap TempBan Tuesday, 07/07/2020 (10:41) Tuesday, 07/07/2020 (10:47) too many warnings: spawn camping
Sam_Fishton Emu mute Wednesday, 07/01/2020 (03:04) Tuesday, 07/21/2020 (03:04)
MRSOUTHSIDE Kitty mute Saturday, 06/20/2020 (14:02) Saturday, 06/20/2020 (14:32) Being stupid
Pluto Emu mute Saturday, 06/06/2020 (17:47) Tuesday, 06/16/2020 (17:47)
Henry BigDuke6 TempBan Friday, 06/05/2020 (17:46) Friday, 06/05/2020 (17:56) too many warnings: Rule #9: Camping is allowed, Spawn camping/trolling is not. (claying,nading,tubing and rpg's on spawn are not allowed)
Sendy BigDuke6 TempBan Friday, 06/05/2020 (17:06) Friday, 06/05/2020 (18:06) Rule #9: Camping is allowed, Spawn camping/trolling is not. (claying,nading,tubing and rpg's on spawn are not allowed)
Thomaaa BigDuke6 TempBan Friday, 06/05/2020 (16:48) Friday, 06/05/2020 (17:00) too many warnings: Rule #9: Camping is allowed, Spawn camping/trolling is not. (claying,nading,tubing and rpg's on spawn are not allowed)
Protos Emu mute Tuesday, 06/02/2020 (05:22) Wednesday, 06/17/2020 (05:22)
Digga Emu mute Saturday, 05/30/2020 (16:29) Tuesday, 06/09/2020 (16:29)
CumPisser Emu mute Saturday, 05/30/2020 (16:29) Tuesday, 06/09/2020 (16:29)
NUtnfaNCY z mute Thursday, 05/28/2020 (21:22) Friday, 05/29/2020 (21:22) constant hackusations
Tiagom {FH} Spankeem TempBan Thursday, 05/28/2020 (18:43) Thursday, 06/11/2020 (18:43) come to to discuss if you want to play on the server
an STD |FH| Nightcap TempBan Thursday, 05/28/2020 (11:05) Thursday, 05/28/2020 (11:15) asked to change name Bulldog TempBan Tuesday, 05/26/2020 (10:50) Tuesday, 05/26/2020 (10:56) too many warnings: spwn trolling
        [tempban] [permban]  
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