Current Time: Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025 (0:08:29) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
client ascending descending admin ascending descending type ascending descending added ascending descending expires ascending descending reason ascending descending
Killing Joke USA#Lone wolf TempBan Sunday, 12/15/2019 (14:25) Tuesday, 12/17/2019 (14:25) bad name
bigdong USA#Lone wolf TempBan Friday, 12/13/2019 (14:03) Friday, 12/13/2019 (14:09) too many warnings: bad name
Rooster {FH} Spankeem TempBan Thursday, 12/12/2019 (13:29) Thursday, 12/12/2019 (13:37) too many warnings: dont be a smarty
Rooster {FH} Spankeem TempBan Thursday, 12/12/2019 (13:29) Thursday, 12/12/2019 (17:29) dont answer back to admins
Yisusdeljarcor Bulldog TempBan Thursday, 12/12/2019 (13:04) Thursday, 12/12/2019 (13:10) too many warnings: change your name before you come back
Masartus <3 Bulldog TempBan Wednesday, 12/11/2019 (15:58) Wednesday, 12/11/2019 (16:04) too many warnings: rpg in spawns
Killing Joke USA#Lone wolf TempBan Wednesday, 12/11/2019 (14:51) Wednesday, 12/11/2019 (14:57) too many warnings: bad name
Bastion {FH} Spankeem TempBan Wednesday, 12/11/2019 (00:34) Wednesday, 12/25/2019 (00:34) blatant claymore facing spawn and lack of care
CrabCakes {FH} Spankeem TempBan Sunday, 12/08/2019 (23:26) Monday, 12/09/2019 (03:26) come to the forums if you want to discuss this
Funcle Funcle TempBan Sunday, 12/08/2019 (21:09) Sunday, 12/08/2019 (22:09) advertising
CAT-1 Galloping Duck Ban Sunday, 12/08/2019 (01:44) permanent spawn camping again
ACF_chef Bulldog TempBan Saturday, 12/07/2019 (16:39) Saturday, 12/07/2019 (18:09) min disregard warnings
Titus USA#Lone wolf TempBan Friday, 12/06/2019 (15:44) Friday, 12/06/2019 (15:50) too many warnings: tubing spawn spawn tubing not allowed here
Rooster Bulldog mute Friday, 12/06/2019 (10:14) Friday, 12/06/2019 (10:44) min bad attitude
Krimpets z mute Thursday, 12/05/2019 (15:56) Friday, 12/06/2019 (15:56) enough of your attitude
bwg |FH| Nightcap mute Thursday, 12/05/2019 (15:10) Thursday, 12/05/2019 (15:34) stop accussing
[NEO]Flogged U |FH| Nightcap TempBan Wednesday, 12/04/2019 (16:01) Saturday, 12/07/2019 (16:01) Watch you mouth
Jkrunch {FH} Spankeem TempBan Saturday, 11/30/2019 (21:31) Sunday, 12/01/2019 (01:31) we dont allow or tolerate spawn camping here
Ace____ Emu mute Saturday, 11/30/2019 (17:34) Tuesday, 12/03/2019 (17:34)
Flower billy TempBan Thursday, 11/28/2019 (22:45) Thursday, 11/28/2019 (22:53) too many warnings: Rule #9: Camping is allowed, Spawn camping/trolling is not. (claying,nading,tubing and rpg's on spawn are not allowed)
HowYouDoin Kitty TempBan Saturday, 11/23/2019 (20:11) Saturday, 11/23/2019 (20:31) Disrespect
DrEsChEr {FH} Grimes TempBan Saturday, 11/23/2019 (04:31) Wednesday, 11/27/2019 (07:31) Rule #3: Please be respectful
Veteran69 |FH|Commando TempBan Monday, 11/18/2019 (12:31) Monday, 11/18/2019 (12:47) too many warnings: take a cooldown
FuckNigger |FH|Commando TempBan Monday, 11/18/2019 (12:18) Tuesday, 11/19/2019 (13:32) Rule #1: No racism of any kind
LUKA_SERBIA Emu TempBan Friday, 11/15/2019 (14:38) Friday, 11/15/2019 (18:38) Dont spawn camp when you return
        [tempban] [permban]  
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