Current Time: Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025 (2:45:28) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
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xXx |FH| Nightcap mute Friday, 11/15/2019 (12:06) Saturday, 11/16/2019 (12:06) Stop acussing or you will get longer ban
ZeusJuicy Emu TempBan Friday, 11/15/2019 (01:21) Friday, 11/15/2019 (05:21) Dont spawn camp next time please
AR= OOoo DANG!! z TempBan Thursday, 11/14/2019 (20:46) Friday, 11/15/2019 (00:46) Rule #9: Camping is allowed, Spawn camping/trolling is not. (claying,nading,tubing and rpg's on spawn are not allowed)
xXx |FH| Nightcap mute Thursday, 11/14/2019 (08:09) Friday, 11/15/2019 (08:09) Dont Acuse
NKC | MR. X z mute Wednesday, 11/13/2019 (22:10) Wednesday, 11/13/2019 (23:10) be nice or dont talk
ZeusJuicy |FH|FoxyLady TempBan Wednesday, 11/13/2019 (21:25) Wednesday, 11/13/2019 (21:31) too many warnings: read the rules no spawncamping!
popgun |FH| Nightcap TempBan Wednesday, 11/13/2019 (20:09) Wednesday, 11/13/2019 (20:15) too many warnings: we try to protect spawns here
H2k EmiZ<3qLi z TempBan Wednesday, 11/13/2019 (19:27) Wednesday, 11/13/2019 (19:33) too many warnings: follow the rules when you return and stop trolling spawns
The ChOsEn OnE Galloping Duck TempBan Wednesday, 11/13/2019 (03:42) Monday, 11/18/2019 (03:42) foul language
Ace____ Emu mute Wednesday, 11/13/2019 (03:40) Monday, 11/18/2019 (03:40)
NKC | MR. X {FH} Spankeem TempBan Tuesday, 11/12/2019 (23:53) Wednesday, 11/13/2019 (03:53) dont come here and spawn camp
CemeteryGate USA#Lone wolf TempBan Tuesday, 11/12/2019 (14:43) Tuesday, 11/12/2019 (14:49) too many warnings: spawn tubing
USA1 whatchamacallit TempBan Tuesday, 11/12/2019 (00:04) Tuesday, 11/12/2019 (00:20) too many warnings: spawn camping and disrespecting admins
JINNS {FH} Spankeem TempBan Monday, 11/11/2019 (22:57) Monday, 11/11/2019 (23:03) too many warnings: dont claymore spawns
SirCAMPSalot {FH} Spankeem TempBan Monday, 11/11/2019 (22:50) Tuesday, 11/12/2019 (02:50) we do not tolerate spawn camping here
Cocks {FH} Spankeem mute Monday, 11/11/2019 (16:44) Monday, 11/11/2019 (17:44) for winding people up
SirCAMPSalot |FH|FoxyLady TempBan Sunday, 11/10/2019 (14:42) Sunday, 11/10/2019 (14:50) too many warnings: stop with the spawncamping
FUFH001 Emu TempBan Saturday, 11/09/2019 (20:46) Thursday, 11/14/2019 (20:46) Change your gameplay when you return
cujo Bulldog TempBan Friday, 11/08/2019 (16:28) Thursday, 11/14/2019 (16:28) too many warnings: spawn camping
hellrider BurningDaylight TempBan Thursday, 11/07/2019 (21:47) Thursday, 11/07/2019 (21:53) too many warnings: Please do not camp the spawns
CaptainKovac |FH| Nightcap TempBan Thursday, 11/07/2019 (10:55) Thursday, 11/07/2019 (11:01) too many warnings: spawn clay
JenGivesHead UKnowWho TempBan Thursday, 11/07/2019 (01:11) Thursday, 11/07/2019 (01:17) too many warnings: come back with a better name
1CttMASc1p1P |FH| Nightcap mute Monday, 11/04/2019 (08:51) Monday, 11/04/2019 (09:01) do not spam, shut-up!
Hatch4UT BurningDaylight TempBan Monday, 11/04/2019 (00:07) Monday, 11/04/2019 (00:13) too many warnings: Do not place clays in the spawns
seaqan {FH} Spankeem TempBan Sunday, 11/03/2019 (02:00) Sunday, 01/12/2020 (02:00) racism and bad behaviour - come to
        [tempban] [permban]  
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