Current Time: Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 (4:36:36) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
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Klaus Meier USA#Lone wolf TempBan Wednesday, 01/02/2019 (14:15) Wednesday, 01/02/2019 (14:21) too many warnings: bad name
daasdfasdf {FH} Grimes TempBan Wednesday, 01/02/2019 (02:17) Wednesday, 01/02/2019 (18:56) lagnuage
Flupperdog BurningDaylight TempBan Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (23:29) Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (23:35) too many warnings: When you come back, do not place clays in the spawn
Daniel {FH} Grimes TempBan Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (21:28) Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (21:58) spawn camping
Luka FHSTRIKER TempBan Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (19:42) Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (19:50) too many warnings: spawn camping
=[E|M]=rogue {FH} Spankeem mute Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (17:30) Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (18:30) Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing
Meat {FH} Spankeem TempBan Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (15:53) Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (15:59) too many warnings: dont claymore spawns
Amnesia Emu TempBan Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (15:37) Sunday, 01/06/2019 (15:37) more spawn camp diff guid
Pawni Emu TempBan Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (15:28) Sunday, 01/06/2019 (15:28) Spawn camping still
AllTheWay {FH} Spankeem TempBan Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (14:32) Tuesday, 01/15/2019 (14:32) you should not spawn camp on the fhserver
donkeyshot {FH} Grimes TempBan Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (06:39) Tuesday, 01/01/2019 (06:45) too many warnings: Stop accusing everyone of haking. Play and enjoy
serious.raines {FH} Grimes TempBan Monday, 12/31/2018 (21:00) Monday, 12/31/2018 (21:30) spawn camping
playerunknowTR {FH} Grimes TempBan Monday, 12/31/2018 (18:55) Monday, 12/31/2018 (20:35) spawn trolling
Nigga {FH} Grimes TempBan Monday, 12/31/2018 (01:49) Monday, 12/31/2018 (18:28) change name
Unicronicorn {FH} Grimes TempBan Monday, 12/31/2018 (00:15) Monday, 12/31/2018 (00:25) why man why
Shade {FH} Grimes TempBan Sunday, 12/30/2018 (23:48) Monday, 12/31/2018 (01:28) spawn camping x4
Moose {FH} Grimes TempBan Sunday, 12/30/2018 (17:45) Sunday, 12/30/2018 (17:53) too many warnings: why are you blindly nading spawns
Ethan Emu mute Sunday, 12/30/2018 (16:04) Monday, 12/31/2018 (00:04)
BR-Salber Emu TempBan Sunday, 12/30/2018 (15:45) Sunday, 12/30/2018 (19:45) Do not spawn camp when u return please
FW190 Emu TempBan Saturday, 12/29/2018 (23:19) Saturday, 12/29/2018 (23:25) too many warnings: FW190 Lager nicht spawn
Rebecca Kitty mute Saturday, 12/29/2018 (23:08) Saturday, 12/29/2018 (23:18) being really stupid
McBacon z mute Saturday, 12/29/2018 (17:26) Saturday, 12/29/2018 (18:26) enough from you
Icekilla z TempBan Saturday, 12/29/2018 (17:25) Saturday, 12/29/2018 (21:25) constant spawn camping
ColPeiper Lemon mute Friday, 12/28/2018 (17:26) Friday, 12/28/2018 (18:26) Complainging and accusing players of having aimbots
pupusaloca Emu TempBan Friday, 12/28/2018 (16:25) Friday, 01/04/2019 (16:25) Spawn camping again
        [tempban] [permban]  
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