Current Time: Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 (7:21:09) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
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Icekilla Emu TempBan Friday, 12/28/2018 (16:20) Friday, 12/28/2018 (16:26) too many warnings: do not spawn camp either when you return
Icekilla Emu TempBan Friday, 12/28/2018 (16:20) Saturday, 12/29/2018 (00:20) Spawn camping
|BG|zeus Bulldog mute Thursday, 12/27/2018 (22:14) Thursday, 12/27/2018 (22:44) mins arguing/admin
maxe {FH} Grimes TempBan Thursday, 12/27/2018 (21:46) Thursday, 12/27/2018 (21:54) too many warnings: you are spawn trolling man
maxe |FH|FAZE TempBan Thursday, 12/27/2018 (21:29) Thursday, 12/27/2018 (21:35) too many warnings: behave yourself
Eric {FH} Grimes TempBan Thursday, 12/27/2018 (19:33) Friday, 12/28/2018 (12:12) sexual jerk
mg45tac The IRON Chef TempBan Thursday, 12/27/2018 (19:26) Friday, 12/28/2018 (07:26) too many warnings: Rule #1: No racism of any kind
Olimar {FH} Spankeem Ban Thursday, 12/27/2018 (18:41) permanent racism and trash talking
robert Placidusax TempBan Thursday, 12/27/2018 (17:17) Thursday, 12/27/2018 (21:17) continued spawn camping, nading and claying
cujo {FH} Spankeem TempBan Thursday, 12/27/2018 (15:59) Thursday, 12/27/2018 (19:59) dont spawn camp
james12 {FH} Spankeem TempBan Thursday, 12/27/2018 (15:38) Thursday, 12/27/2018 (19:38) spawn trolling and abusing admin
idk Se7eN TempBan Thursday, 12/27/2018 (10:13) Thursday, 12/27/2018 (10:27) too many warnings: Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing
muminek USA#Lone wolf TempBan Thursday, 12/27/2018 (07:05) Thursday, 12/27/2018 (07:11) too many warnings: spawn camp
anbo USA#Lone wolf TempBan Thursday, 12/27/2018 (03:55) Thursday, 12/27/2018 (04:03) too many warnings: Rule #9: Camping is allowed, Spawn camping/trolling is not. (claying,nading,tubing and rpg's on spawn are not allowed)
toejam {FH} Spankeem TempBan Thursday, 12/27/2018 (00:10) Thursday, 03/07/2019 (00:10) spawn camping
cheif {FH} Spankeem TempBan Wednesday, 12/26/2018 (20:04) Thursday, 12/27/2018 (00:04) - no homophobic slurs here
0xBEEF {FH} Spankeem TempBan Wednesday, 12/26/2018 (16:38) Wednesday, 01/02/2019 (16:38) racism and homophobic comments
camilo36000 Emu TempBan Wednesday, 12/26/2018 (15:52) Wednesday, 12/26/2018 (15:58) too many warnings: Do not clay spawns next time please
Vito USA#Lone wolf TempBan Wednesday, 12/26/2018 (07:02) Wednesday, 12/26/2018 (07:08) too many warnings: spawn nade
Pinkdinofuk {FH} Grimes TempBan Wednesday, 12/26/2018 (00:34) Wednesday, 12/26/2018 (00:40) too many warnings: change name
Rock Bulldog TempBan Tuesday, 12/25/2018 (19:12) Tuesday, 12/25/2018 (19:18) too many warnings: spawn camping
=[E|M]=rogue |FH| Killroy TempBan Tuesday, 12/25/2018 (12:12) Tuesday, 12/25/2018 (12:18) too many warnings: nade spawn
Shaun1995 Bulldog TempBan Monday, 12/24/2018 (18:23) Monday, 12/24/2018 (18:29) too many warnings: rule 9
ColPeiper Emu mute Monday, 12/24/2018 (15:07) Monday, 12/24/2018 (23:07) Annoying
loll The IRON Chef TempBan Monday, 12/24/2018 (14:18) Monday, 12/24/2018 (14:24) too many warnings: no camping in the cave
        [tempban] [permban]  
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