Current Time: Sunday, Mar 16, 2025 (2:01:39) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
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solene dobby TempBan Tuesday, 10/02/2012 (00:45) Tuesday, 10/02/2012 (00:51) too many warnings: spawncamping is not allowed
#iNJ xCycro DjSwift Ban Monday, 10/01/2012 (17:52) permanent hacker
TEK9 DELUXE {FH}CII-Cadaver Ban Monday, 10/01/2012 (17:03) permanent Obvious Aimbot
may {FH}MaryPoppins TempBan Monday, 10/01/2012 (16:55) Monday, 10/01/2012 (18:55) repeated spawn camping
AwesomeSauce DjSwift Ban Monday, 10/01/2012 (16:04) permanent aimbot
Frackt DjSwift TempBan Monday, 10/01/2012 (15:35) Monday, 10/01/2012 (15:41) too many warnings: marty i told ya by
Walgreens {FH}CII-Cadaver Ban Monday, 10/01/2012 (15:06) permanent Obvious Wallhack
bot1 {FH}CII-Cadaver Ban Monday, 10/01/2012 (13:05) permanent OBVIOUS AIMBOT. LOCKING ONTO HEADS.
???BICHODEPEH The Order TempBan Monday, 10/01/2012 (12:52) Monday, 10/01/2012 (12:58) too many warnings: no spawn camping
Frackt {FH}CII-Cadaver TempBan Monday, 10/01/2012 (12:26) Monday, 10/01/2012 (12:32) too many warnings: NO MARTY
[EINSK-R]Patti DjSwift Ban Monday, 10/01/2012 (09:40) permanent DjSwift Ban Monday, 10/01/2012 (09:37) permanent
GhostRider DjSwift TempBan Monday, 10/01/2012 (09:25) Monday, 10/01/2012 (11:53) too many warnings: marty
Ninja.*Silent DjSwift TempBan Monday, 10/01/2012 (09:04) Monday, 10/01/2012 (09:10) too many warnings: last stand .i told ya....
Argentina Shagga TempBan Monday, 10/01/2012 (04:03) Monday, 10/01/2012 (04:09) too many warnings: lAST STAND PERK IS not ALlowed HERE pLEAASE CHANGE CLASS
sysiek |FH|McMuffin TempBan Monday, 10/01/2012 (02:43) Monday, 10/01/2012 (02:49) too many warnings: last stand still not allowed
Eddaey dobby TempBan Sunday, 09/30/2012 (22:50) Sunday, 09/30/2012 (23:08) too many warnings: Rule #9: The use of Martydom or Last Stand is NOT allowed
bobthebuilde UKnowWho Ban Sunday, 09/30/2012 (22:36) permanent aimbot
aBc|TehDemvyHD {FH} No pants Ban Sunday, 09/30/2012 (19:57) permanent gamehook violation
bobie an0ob TempBan Sunday, 09/30/2012 (17:42) Sunday, 09/30/2012 (17:48) too many warnings: martyrdom
Cathie UKnowWho Ban Sunday, 09/30/2012 (16:05) permanent aimbot
BOOM The Order Ban Sunday, 09/30/2012 (14:40) permanent aimbot
Bubu an0ob TempBan Sunday, 09/30/2012 (14:24) Sunday, 09/30/2012 (14:30) too many warnings: spawn killing
Dawaj Saszka {FH}MaryPoppins TempBan Sunday, 09/30/2012 (13:37) Sunday, 09/30/2012 (13:43) too many warnings: no last stand - remove it and come back
[SH]Paradox The Order Ban Sunday, 09/30/2012 (13:33) permanent ddos
        [tempban] [permban]  
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