Current Time: Monday, Dec 23, 2024 (15:17:38) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
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MGI dobby TempBan Sunday, 09/30/2012 (00:23) Sunday, 09/30/2012 (00:29) too many warnings: no marty
Animeshnik=3 dobby TempBan Sunday, 09/30/2012 (00:09) Sunday, 09/30/2012 (00:15) too many warnings: change your class, marty is not allowed
Don Glover {FH} No pants Ban Saturday, 09/29/2012 (23:58) permanent hack
Pate Jennagx3 TempBan Saturday, 09/29/2012 (19:39) Saturday, 09/29/2012 (19:45) too many warnings: no last stand
Norbert Jennagx3 Ban Saturday, 09/29/2012 (19:33) permanent sick wallhack brah
LISEK_GAMER YT dobby TempBan Saturday, 09/29/2012 (18:03) Saturday, 09/29/2012 (18:09) too many warnings: no marty, change your class
NoB0dy DjSwift Ban Saturday, 09/29/2012 (16:16) permanent aimbot
SaneK DjSwift TempBan Saturday, 09/29/2012 (15:23) Saturday, 09/29/2012 (15:29) too many warnings: marty
wutwut {FH} No pants Ban Saturday, 09/29/2012 (13:12) permanent
wutwut {FH} No pants Ban Saturday, 09/29/2012 (13:08) permanent
Wista UKnowWho TempBan Saturday, 09/29/2012 (12:52) Saturday, 09/29/2012 (12:58) too many warnings: marty
(WW)ZirkusRisk UKnowWho TempBan Saturday, 09/29/2012 (12:43) Saturday, 09/29/2012 (12:49) too many warnings: marty
OverSkilleD UKnowWho Ban Saturday, 09/29/2012 (11:58) permanent wallhack
gerardo UKnowWho TempBan Saturday, 09/29/2012 (10:09) Saturday, 09/29/2012 (10:15) too many warnings: marty
koloIIImatok Dr3aM EviL Ban Saturday, 09/29/2012 (08:11) permanent wallhacker muppet go back to muppetland
FreakSnipper Dr3aM EviL Ban Saturday, 09/29/2012 (07:54) permanent stupid wallhacker and terrible at it
bob Dr3aM EviL Ban Saturday, 09/29/2012 (07:33) permanent terrible and awful wallhacker
Opticmoso UKnowWho TempBan Saturday, 09/29/2012 (06:37) Saturday, 09/29/2012 (06:43) too many warnings: last stand
PogoNinja UKnowWho Ban Saturday, 09/29/2012 (06:29) permanent wallhack
(!PL!) UKnowWho Ban Saturday, 09/29/2012 (06:18) permanent aimbot
YoKer Shagga Ban Saturday, 09/29/2012 (05:52) permanent Aim bot muppet
sasquatch Jennagx3 Ban Friday, 09/28/2012 (19:18) permanent aimbot noob
9mmDoctor DjSwift Ban Friday, 09/28/2012 (17:40) permanent aimbot
by ecl!pse.? {FH} No pants TempBan Friday, 09/28/2012 (15:01) Friday, 09/28/2012 (15:09) too many warnings: last stand repeat offender
Xephos {FH} No pants TempBan Friday, 09/28/2012 (14:59) Friday, 09/28/2012 (15:05) too many warnings: last stand is not allowed, please remove it
        [tempban] [permban]  
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