Current Time: Sunday, Dec 22, 2024 (11:32:15) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
client ascending descending admin ascending descending type ascending descending added ascending descending expires ascending descending reason ascending descending
papafire {FH}MaryPoppins TempBan Wednesday, 09/19/2012 (17:16) Wednesday, 09/19/2012 (17:22) too many warnings: no last stand
AMERICA!! {FH} No pants Ban Wednesday, 09/19/2012 (16:24) permanent aimbot
James an0ob TempBan Wednesday, 09/19/2012 (16:00) Wednesday, 09/19/2012 (16:06) too many warnings: last stand
Jing.Pro.Alan The Order Ban Wednesday, 09/19/2012 (14:05) permanent idiot bot
n3kminut3 UKnowWho Ban Wednesday, 09/19/2012 (03:56) permanent wallhack
wave2453 {FH}CII-Cadaver Ban Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (23:27) permanent Aimbot
DabEnthusiast Loki Ban Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (21:43) permanent hacking muppet
y0Mgk Loki Ban Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (21:42) permanent HACKING MUPPER
TaK UKnowWho TempBan Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (20:32) Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (20:38) too many warnings: marty
ASDF. Mink Dabs TempBan Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (16:42) Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (18:20) too many warnings: Rule #2: No Hopping around corner or to Aviod Fire
Vilson Dabs TempBan Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (16:32) Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (16:38) too many warnings: no last stand
MisterDrogel Dabs TempBan Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (15:05) Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (15:11) too many warnings: no marty
KaBoOm Dabs Ban Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (13:52) permanent aimbot
chenliyen {FH}MaryPoppins TempBan Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (10:53) Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (10:59) too many warnings: spawnkilling again!
Deann {FH}MaryPoppins TempBan Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (09:28) Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (09:34) too many warnings: last stand
KisS* UKnowWho Ban Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (02:14) permanent wallhack
Alex UKnowWho TempBan Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (01:06) Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (01:12) too many warnings: marty
FRANC UKnowWho Ban Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (00:06) permanent aimbot
player UKnowWho TempBan Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (00:05) Tuesday, 09/18/2012 (00:11) too many warnings: last stand
Chester UKnowWho TempBan Monday, 09/17/2012 (23:20) Monday, 09/17/2012 (23:26) too many warnings: last stand
Woensel! Loki Ban Monday, 09/17/2012 (22:07) permanent hacking muppet
fme {FH}CII-Cadaver Ban Monday, 09/17/2012 (22:04) permanent Aimbot
BrutalMurther Dabs TempBan Monday, 09/17/2012 (19:54) Monday, 09/17/2012 (20:00) too many warnings: no marty
Trololo23 Loki Ban Monday, 09/17/2012 (05:54) permanent
KisS* UKnowWho TempBan Monday, 09/17/2012 (03:07) Monday, 09/17/2012 (03:13) too many warnings: come back with a better name
        [tempban] [permban]  
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