Hello FH fam,
All are welcome to join us on FH's Search and Rescue server this Saturday, Oct. 19, for some fun and festivities

I will be starting things up around 2:00 pm EST (evening for euro zones + early morning for oceanic zones) and hope to keep things going until 6 or 7:00 pm EST, depending on player count of course. Many of us will utilize discord voice to coordinate with our teammates, but that is by no means mandatory. I just want to stress that this event will be extremely low pressure/commitment. Join if you'd like and leave whenever! A little of what to expect below;
Gamemode: Search and Rescue - Very similar to search and destroy with the caveat that players drop dog tags upon death. If you die and a teammate runs over your dog tags, you will be revived, but if an enemy runs over your tags you will be eliminated from the round. Search and rescue is a multi-round affair in which attackers, using one bomb, attempt to destroy one of two bombsites. Defenders will try to defend said bombsites from attackers. If attackers are successful in planting the bomb, defenders will have a short period of time to defuse it. Rounds are also won if all attackers die or all defenders die prior to any bomb plant.
Maps: The search and rescue server has both stock and custom maps - we will most likely lean towards playing more stock maps this Saturday, but will adjust according to player count + demands of the people

I probably missed some stuff in this post, so feel free to reach out to me on this thread, discord, or skype if there are ANY questions at all. I look forward to seeing you Saturday!
SERVER IP: LINK: https://discord.gg/2Y6KchXHFE