Applications / Rebel's Application
« Last post by Rebel on Today at 05:50:39 pm »Game Name(s) You Play With:
Age: 46
Location: Northern IL, USA
Why do you want to join FH?: It's been far too long since I've enjoyed the camaraderie of interacting within a clan and being a member.
About how many hours do you play a week? (There is no requirement)
(1-5 hours per week, 6-10 per week, 10 + per week): currently around 1-5, sometimes 6-10
Skype Username: live:rebeltag
(Skype is required for all members)
Do you have a working mic?: Yes
Real Name: Todd
Steam Username: breeze_wood
How much responsibility would you like to have in the clan? I've done that before, so currently I'd like to just run and gun.
Are you willing or able to donate?: it's certainly possible, and something that could be explored.
How long have you been playing COD? Since 12-15-2007
What other clans have you been in in the past?
[BFT] (Blunt Force Trauma), =XH= (XtremeHonor Brigade), and =SWXW= (Severe Weather Warriors)
What other games do you play or like? Guild Wars, Minecraft, DayZ, BF2, sometimes others
Age: 46
Location: Northern IL, USA
Why do you want to join FH?: It's been far too long since I've enjoyed the camaraderie of interacting within a clan and being a member.
About how many hours do you play a week? (There is no requirement)
(1-5 hours per week, 6-10 per week, 10 + per week): currently around 1-5, sometimes 6-10
Skype Username: live:rebeltag
(Skype is required for all members)
Do you have a working mic?: Yes
Real Name: Todd
Steam Username: breeze_wood
How much responsibility would you like to have in the clan? I've done that before, so currently I'd like to just run and gun.
Are you willing or able to donate?: it's certainly possible, and something that could be explored.
How long have you been playing COD? Since 12-15-2007
What other clans have you been in in the past?
[BFT] (Blunt Force Trauma), =XH= (XtremeHonor Brigade), and =SWXW= (Severe Weather Warriors)
What other games do you play or like? Guild Wars, Minecraft, DayZ, BF2, sometimes others