Forgotten Heroes

Call of Duty 4 => Ban Appeals => Topic started by: SupraWorks on March 08, 2024, 11:23:28 pm

Title: got banned from Tuxedo Cat'S
Post by: SupraWorks on March 08, 2024, 11:23:28 pm
hi guys, i was just playing a casual game and this guy Tuxedo Cat'S started accusing me of spawn killing on purpose. im running around the map killing people and when i kill him he spawned near me and i killed him because i saw him. it wasnt intentional, i just literally saw him, dude keeps abusing his powers. no one else had an issue with me besides him, i just hope i can get this resolved! thank you so much!! :thud
Title: Re: got banned from Tuxedo Cat'S
Post by: Nightcap on March 09, 2024, 07:14:56 pm
Heyas Supraworks. good you came to the forum.

Old game and old players. we try to put some basic rules of engagement. racism on our server is number one. hacking number  two. Then come all the others, subjective and debatable as in everything. So good you came to the forum. will remove ban now. with 439 connections you must know the rules we play by.


Title: Re: got banned from Tuxedo Cat'S
Post by: {FH}Mayor McCheese on March 11, 2024, 03:40:04 am
Hello SupraWorks - I was the one who decided to ban you, but it really had more to do with your attitude in conjunction with the spawn camping/trolling.

Please see the below history of you past bans and Temps and see that it is atrocious.  Frankly, you should be permanently banned outright for past racial and homophobic remarks alone.

You really haven't any leg to stand on, you have 26 listed issues where spawn trolling, camping, and claying was sited - plus, your attitude it just trash.

Nightcap has lifted your ban before I could respond and as such it has been dealt with.

However, your record speaks for itself as you can see.

TempBan  03/08/24 1 wk  03/16/24   Learn your lesson
TempBan  03/08/24 2 mn  03/08/24   Spawn Kill
TempBan  01/09/24 4 hr  01/09/24   Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing
Temp     01/02/24 2 hr  01/02/24   Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing
mute     01/01/24 1 wk  01/08/24   disrespect
Temp     12/13/23 1 hr  12/14/23   clays in spawn
TempBan  12/03/23 4 hr  12/03/23   Rule #1: No racism of any kind < n i g g e r s > 
TempBan  12/03/23 5 mn  12/03/23   advertising
Temp     11/27/23 2 hr  11/28/23   Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing: too many pussy tubers lol
Temp     11/26/23 1 hr  11/26/23   no clays on spawns
Temp     11/23/23 2 hr  11/23/23   Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing
Temp     11/18/23 6 hr  11/19/23   Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing: my own chopper just fuckin killed me?? 
TempBan  10/28/23 2 wks 11/11/23   Show respect, keep your nose out of it
Temp     10/28/23 2 hr  10/28/23   Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing: name <f a g g o t>
mute     10/28/23 1 hr  10/28/23   
Temp     10/05/23 2 hr  10/05/23   Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing: <f a g g o t>
Temp     08/28/23 1 hr  08/29/23   not allowed this type of language here, please respect everyone
TempBan  08/26/23 15 mn 08/26/23   (Supr) stop trolling spawns
Temp     08/26/23 1 hr  08/26/23   Stop trolling spawns / nading spawns please
Temp     08/26/23 6 hr  08/26/23   Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing: fucking christ spectrum internet sucks 
Temp     08/25/23 1 hr  08/25/23   RULE 9 NO SPAWN CLAYS ALLOWED
Temp     07/04/23 6 hr  07/05/23   Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing: fucking trashcan pos game lol 
Temp     06/26/23 6 hr  06/27/23   Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing: fuck 
Temp     06/21/23 1 hr  06/21/23   spawn camping
Temp     05/30/23 1 hr  05/30/23   no clays on spawns
Temp     05/30/23 1 hr  05/30/23   no clays on spawns
TempBan  05/16/23 1 day 05/17/23   disrespect
TempBan  05/16/23 4 hr  05/16/23   1d disrespect
Temp     05/16/23 1 hr  05/16/23   no clays on spawns
Temp     05/16/23 1 hr  05/16/23   no clays on spawns
Temp     05/15/23 1 hr  05/15/23   spawn clay
Temp     05/06/20 1 hr  05/06/20   dont claymore spawns
Temp     04/23/20 6 hr  04/23/20   Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing: fucking car lol 
Temp     04/17/20 1 hr  04/17/20   No more spawn trolling please
Temp     04/14/20 6 hr  04/14/20   Rule #6: Please refrain from excessive cursing: dammit fucking chat 
Temp     04/12/20 1 hr  04/12/20   do not clay spawns
Title: Re: got banned from Tuxedo Cat'S
Post by: |FH|Ben on March 11, 2024, 05:02:56 am
Wow. that's a long list of offences. at some point i think we need to pull the plug on this guy.
Title: Re: got banned from Tuxedo Cat'S
Post by: SupraWorks on April 12, 2024, 10:56:09 pm
so i was playing a game and was told on the in game to check my chat history and such on the forums, i went on deployment during 2020-beginnign of 2024. so my little bro would play my pc and he would play cod 4 and waw whjle i was overseas. cant believe he would act like this, he just moved out of our house a few months back and i just started playing again sorta December and january, to make it simple im the OG supraworks. for what i did in 2020 my bad on the clays haha but the stuff in 2023 and above that is not me, i do want to apologize to all the admins that had to deal with that. i hope yall can shed light. im not like that what so ever, my lil bro even got me banned on 2 of my other fav servers man im pissed smh.... hope all is well!!
Title: Re: got banned from Tuxedo Cat'S
Post by: {FH}Mayor McCheese on April 15, 2024, 05:08:17 pm
Hey SupraWorks -

Thanks for the reply and the added information.  If it was your little brother, I'm sure it can be upsetting to see what he's been up to while you've been away - especially when you've had no visibility into it.

However, the sentiment still stands, your little bother's dumbass-ery is about to turn your GUID into an unfortunate casualty if it can't be dealt with privately.

See you in-game!

Title: Re: got banned from Tuxedo Cat'S
Post by: SupraWorks on April 16, 2024, 11:29:52 pm
naw i completely understand! like i said yall got jobs to run this great server! happy that you are still allowing me to play. appreciate you all!
Title: Re: got banned from Tuxedo Cat'S
Post by: |FH|mitsurugi on May 11, 2024, 09:44:39 pm
if you cant play by the rules with your clays, better you change your loadout
today you deserved your 3 warnings again, always for your clays

your long list of penalties, you still claying spawns ... not sure you have a futur with us

remark : we are not here to do a job, we are here to relax and we cant with player like you
Title: Re: got banned from Tuxedo Cat'S
Post by: {FH}Raw on May 20, 2024, 10:24:35 pm
Supraworks   why not take ownership for some of the crap you cause on the server .Its never your fault ,Its always someone else ... fault .
    The last one I heard  from you was   "Oh that was my brother not me He is causing all the  s>>>>.."   Really do you think were that stupid "
     Or I'm so better then then the admin here and that's why he hates me and is abusing his power .
   Grow a set and take some ownership for the crap you cause.In the long run  it will be better for you .
             Your lucky our leadership is so lenient and forgiving here at   FH .    Most other servers you would be gone .
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