Hello 0xT1,
We currently have a couple members that aren't always able to get on and play all the time; for me personally, if I see any kind of message or post from you on the forums or on Skype from time to time, that's enough for me to keep you on the roster. It will eventually affect the privileges you could earn later down the road (admins that have the ability to permban are nice to see every few days or so,) but is not severely inhibiting.
When we add a new member to our roster, we give them permission to wear baby {fh} tags to symbolize their recruit status, I'm sure you've seen a handful of members with your time in the servers. This does come with elevated privileges above our regulars (this is a very recent change, recruits can now use the !say, !poke, and a few other commands).
Personally, what I like to see from new members is their attempts to help moderate the server, and how they treat other players. The recruit phase is literally a testing phase where we see how you handle every day annoyances and iron out issues that may arise. Even without the powers to kick and ban clients, it is still possible to aid in the moderation of the server, which all depends on your attitude and manners with everyone around you. This severely helps in that there is someone on the server who can always come and contact a higher admin when big problems arise as well.
Follow this url for a breakdown of our current roster:
http://fhclan.com/members.htmlThe different titles you see are all the steps, each granting more in-game abilities with our b3 admin tool. For example, admins can only tempban but full admins can permban.
Anymore questions, feel free to ask. My advice is if you feel like its something you want to do, then go head and apply.