Game Name(s) You Play With: ModelEngine
Age: 34
Location: Kelowna, BC, Canada
Why do you want to join FH?: Because it's pretty much the only server I play on. I like the community and would like to be a member who can contribute as much as I can.
About how many hours do you play a week? (There is no requirement)
(1-5 hours per week, 6-10 per week, 10 + per week): 6-10 hours. Although, it fluctuates due to my responsibilities at home, and I'm in the middle of upgrading my PC, etc.
Skype Username:
Do you have a working mic?: I do, but I don't use it. much prefer to type
Real Name: Keith
Xfire Username:
Steam Username: Model Engine
How much responsibility would you like to have in the clan? Depending on the responsibilities, and what's involved, I would like to contribute. I just don't know what that looks like. But I would definitely like to give back to the community.
Are you willing or able to donate?: I would like to donate, but pretty much live off two grand per month, as I'm on disability. I could probably give around 5 bucks per month (really sorry it's so small), maybe 10, but would have to ask my wife. I would be totally willing to donate bandwidth, if that's a possibility.
How long have you been playing COD? About 10 years.
What other clans have you been in in the past? None. First time for everything I guess, eh?
What other games do you play or like? Dishonored, Mass Effect, Metro, Black Ops Zombies, The Talos Principle, Skyrim, etc.