I finally got my marching orders as a contractor, wife and I are heading to Germany for 3-4 year they say boots on the ground in 5 weeks, I doubt it, we've been in the process now for over a year. I plan on buying a new gaming computer there and take my Servers with me in the half rack, we're excited but a lot of unknowns. we'll be saleing the Mercedes to big for German town streets and leaving her 4 runner, might buy a car there when things settle down and get planted. I will be supporting Europe, Africa and wherever else needed, heading back to Brazil Wednesday for three days of work then back home. had a LOT going on, have been out of the house for about 1 month due to water damage, living out of hotels and AirBnB 25K of damage USAA was awesome took care of all expenses after 1000 deductable, new floors throughout the house, new master bathroom and painted. Wow