Hi cujo, simply highlight the application form from this text and paste it in your next post and fill it out like that. An easy way to do it is highlight the text and hold left ctrl and press c to copy the text then start another post and press left ctrl and v to paste.
Copy and paste this form into your post and fill out all required information. Use your gamer name as the topic's subject please.
Game Name(s) You Play With:
Why do you want to join FH?:
About how many hours do you play a week? (There is no requirement)
(1-5 hours per week, 6-10 per week, 10 + per week):
Skype Username:
(Skype is required for all members)
Do you have a working mic?:
Real Name:
Steam Username:
How much responsibility would you like to have in the clan?
Are you willing or able to donate?:
How long have you been playing COD?
What other clans have you been in in the past?
What other games do you play or like?