I love killcam <3. It really doesnt give away much. Most players skip thru the killcam anyways. I feel like it's more for spotting hackers, spawncampers, and awesome kills. The server is already set up in a way that when u die u can pretty easily figure where the shots came from. Since its a ffa server, the game is really fast paced and most people won't be where they were when they killed u on the killcam. Plus, if ur worried about ur spot being given away if ur camping, I AM POSITIVE people will know where u r shooting from, even Without the Killcam. I feel like the killcam has more positives than negatives. People complain about how long a killcam takes, but dont they know they can just hit the use key and skip it?
Anyways, I know we will probably never see a killcam on this FH server, just wanted to throw my two cents in.
Peace <3