We are in the finale phase of pulling our people out of the middle east ,Afghanistan.
That whole area is a powder keg and I fear BIG BIG trouble is on the horizon.Trouble with the Ukrainians,Russia,Isreal, the whole frigging middle east.China,the opposition ,from their own history of war, seems to be the only player who doesn't have it's head up it's ass on that side of the world.Not referring to our allies.
Half of those people are still living in the stonge age,Religious fanitics thinking their religion takes prescident over others,still trying to impose their will on their neighbor.
It's a old old story.
Check your history books for the ones that are to young to remember,It was exactly this same kind of Bull shiten problems that was encompassing half the world prior to the outbreak of World War ll.
And yes if that happens, the United States and her allies will be forced to get right in the middle of it.Don't have any choice,we have to much vested interest
in those regions.
Our economies are to dependent on each other,with the US probably being the most self supporting with our natural resources.
If that isn't enough reason to draw us in to the conflict.The treaties and alliances we have committed to, most certainly will.
WE MUST STAY COMMITED to a strong America and our allies and politic from strength.
If you want them to listen,you need to get their attention with a bigger stick.Those lessons are written in the head stones and paid for in blood of American
and her allied dead.
Yes, it's going to take some great politickin to pull this off,You mark my words.