Welcome to the forums, Anewb.
Yes, we have had issue with you spawn trolling quite a few times. This can be defined as spawn killing after you spawn, which is perfectly legal, then moving from the area, to a presumed new spawn area, kill, perhaps in spawn, then returning to that previous area to reap the spawns again, and then repeat.
Admittedly, this was a problem for me too when I first started playing on FH. I came from a Bolt Only Clan and that kind of play was allowed. Camping and just staring at spawn wasn't, but roving to a degree was; you just had to stay on the move.
Now, the way to avoid this is to just keep going forward. Keep pressing through the map. Get the spawn kill in that area to allow yourself to move out if needs be, then just keep moving. And/or, get into a place where you can camp, if you prefer, that doesn't keep your attention on a spawn or spawn area. Point is: don't keep going over spawn areas, get those kills if they are there and a must to avoid you being killed, then clear out and stay out of that area.
Hope this helps. And again, good to see you join the forums and thanks for being a loyal regular on our server.