Started with this name AustictHomo in the map District today around 2:00 pm pst.
This player is very slick.
Players were saying he has a aimbot, so I started spectating him through the map and onto the next map Crossfire
He must have changed his game name 4 or 5 times without BOT catching it.
He knew he was being watched (spectated) the entire time from players ongoing complaints.
I think someone might have taken a short video, not sure, because I was never sure until the last 2 mins. of his play, then he didn't care who saw him Aimboting.
He just went wild and started killing with the aimbot, then punched out of the game before I could RECORD.
He will be very hard to catch unless it's by knowledgeable admin. He has demonstrated to me he knows how to escape and evade being caught.
Took me the better part of two maps of spectating him, with him turning aimbot off and on.
NO QUESTION ABOUT IT, and NO GUESSING, HE HAD A AIMBOT, check the ECHELOON logs, Because he will be back, I am sure.
He has a game ping of 223. Australia I would guess.