Hey guys
My computer is freezing at the moment. Its a PC that I purchased nearly 2 years ago. If has an FX6300 with a GT730 card and about 4GB of ram.
It was running fine all this time. About 2 months ago I moved the PC as the fan area was towards the back of the computer desk - so I thought it would be best to face this towards the open area of my desk. Opened it up to give it a bit of a blow to clear any dust.
Then in the last week or so its started freezing. Its frozen once its logged on, when I am surfing the net and when I am in game (so if I leave mid sentence you will know what it is). The hard drive hasn't been making any suspect sounds that would lead me to believe it was in the throes of dying. I ran a disk check which came back with no errors and then did a defrag even though it analysed at about 3%.
The PC has a stock standard HD that has 100GB used and 800GB left. I use this computer for COD4, Skype, and browing non-dodgy news sites and public transport timetables. I have a laptop for all the other dodgy stuff lol.
I have checked the logs but cant see anything at the time of crash that indicates why its freezing (probably not likely to as when it freezes it wont update the log - I froze because....).
I know we have some super whizzes in the clan, and was hoping that someone might shed some light on how I can diagnose whats going on with it. I certainly don't want the HD to die on me, and will look to copy over the personal data I have (main things are the skye chats I have had with my children (which I use a program called Evaer to copy).
Any help would be appreciated. Id love to make it another couple of months (bonus time) before I have to look at getting a proper service or an upgrade.