Game Name(s) You Play With: Christian, Texas, Qi, Integral, Derivative, Ki, Love, Euler, Theta, Pi... (bunch of others I can't remember)
Age: 23
Location: Huntsville, Texas
Why do you want to join FH?: I've been playing for about ten years (I think) and have spent many of those hours playing with FH. I get a warm welcome and fantastic ping every time I join so I keep coming back. I left my previous clan BCG (they had a falling out) a year or so back and figured I might join FH if an invite came my way. Well, today (1/12/2018) Aunt Selma and zMan kindly offered a place in the clan.
About how many hours do you play a week? (There is no requirement)
(1-5 hours per week, 6-10 per week, 10 + per week): Outside the semester I play about ten hours if not more each week. During the semester I will likely not play at all (calculus 2 and all that...)
Skype Username: Oh dear... my skype user is "pi_3.14159265358979323".
Do you have a working mic?: Yes
Real Name: Christian L. Rodgers (yea I use my real name in game)
Steam Username: "Ascii_Text" is my account name and "christian" is the name displayed. I've had trouble with people trying to add me for some reason so I might have to add someone else first.
How much responsibility would you like to have in the clan? Mmm, I consider myself of sound mind and heart, but time availability is spotty this year.
Are you willing or able to donate?: "College money isn't honey" I always say (on a good pay day I would probably donate twenty).
How long have you been playing COD? about ten years I think? (I have 1,010 hours to date)
What other clans have you been in in the past? BCG Clan (great people, a lot who are local to Texas, but some things came up and made the experience a bit distasteful)
What other games do you play or like?
Basically my whole steam library:
DDO, LOTRO, CoD 5 (tactical servers), Assassins' Creeds|1 + Brotherhood + 3 + Revelations, (not enough PC power for 4+)|, Borderlands 2, Antichamber, Diablo 3 (coming soon to my PC), Batman: Arkham City + Origins, Battlefield: BC 2, CoD: Black Ops 2, Dishonored (great game), Skyrim (fantastic), Far Cry 3 (loved it), Medal of Honor: Allied Assualt (my favorite game of all time) + Spearhead + Breakthrough and Medal of Honor: Airborne, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, Portal 2 (didn't play the first), Sid Meier's Pirates, Sniper Elite V2, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory + Conviction, Windward, Age of Empires 2, Rise of Nations, and Uru.