Game Name(s) You Play With:
Louis (Main), VandalMVM
Age: 16
Location: United States
Why do you want to join FH?:
I love this server and I happen to be on it a lot hunting for clips to edit. I thought that it would be helpful to have an extra hand and assist in running the server since I tend to be pretty active.
About how many hours do you play a week?
5-10, usually in the afternoon.
Skype Username: H51it4q
(Skype is required for all members)
Do you have a working mic?:
I do have a working mic.
Real Name: Louis :/
Steam Username: VandalMVM
How much responsibility would you like to have in the clan?
I want to have a moderate role. I don't want to be super involved but I want to help out when I can.
Are you willing or able to donate? Yes I can donate.
How long have you been playing COD?
About four years on console, and 2 years on PC, (Got Cod4 in January).
What other clans have you been in in the past?
None for COD 4, but I was in an editing team and a sniping team (However console).
What other games do you play or like?
I enjoy playing Modern Warfare, Black Ops 2, Destiny 1, Halo 2 & 5, and although not a game, I am an editor and use Adobe After Effects.