Jben do you have the other two warnings you received in the demo as well?
My two cents worth is I'm a bit surprised that you shoot into the spawn areas so much. I look but don't fire hoping to hit people, I look see and shoot.
I disagree Spank, right at the opening of the video there was wallbanging into a spawn (though his aim was slightly off to the left) but aside from that, any shooting into a spawn was done after getting sighting first. I think I see what youre getting at in that last kill but that was the only angle he had when approaching Defense side of construction (Lower floor).
My consideration of spawn trolling is rotating between 2-3 spawns with the clear intention of killing people that respawn, which isnt the easiest feat with the Spawn Protect. What I saw here was simple rotations that occurred due to the luck of others coming from different directions.
Also Jben, I will say I dont agree with the terminology used in the video. You were kicked/auto temp banned by the bot but your wording implies that you were perm banned. Im just being defensive of the clan as I've been involved with FH one way or another since it started, and I dont want it to come across as our admins being power hungry or poor in quality to random viewers.
- Toku