Hi! I'm MrKelvin, you may remember me from such films as "Hackusation in Chinatown" and "Beat your ass on Bog"
Here's my application like you guys suggested!
A little about me: My real name is Chris, I'm 22 and I live in Northeastern Ontario. I've been playing CoD on and off since CoD1 was released, and I've been into FPS for even longer than that. I've played competitive CS 1.6/source, as well as CoD2/CoD4 and a bit of L4D. So far I've only made money and won prizes from CoD4 but whatever, there's still time :p
I also have a crapton of admin experience. I used to run an online community for SA-MP called "Novocaine".. our main server had 200 player slots, and would average 185+ people at any given time. We were the #1 server tracked by game monitor, competing with 2 or 3 other servers. This game had ZERO built-in anticheat and no guid/id system, so it was essentially effortless to evade bans. I needed a stable full of full-time, mature admins that were on around the clock to deal with it. Essentially I had to train all of them, and believe me, I had that shizz down to a SCIENCE. So yeah. Long story short, you guys can count on me for some solid admin work.
Not sure what else to say! My skype is novfishbulb (although I dont use it that much. I'm on mumble at the moment) and this is my CoD4 steam account:
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042438744 feel free to add me!
Thanks :3