REQUIRED: "nd attempt! The site binned my first attempt!
Game Name(s) You Play With: Raven
Age: 65
Location: Bourne, England
Why do you want to join FH?: I enjoy playing in this server, I have got to know many of the players and would like to belong. I am quite slow as I have a metal shoulder but usually finish a game in the top half of the board. I ran my own server for 18 months and closed it when I became ill.
About how many hours do you play a week? (There is no requirement)
(1-5 hours per week, 6-10 per week, 10 + per week): 1-5, I play most days and join a game and play a game. My shoulder hurts after a short while so I quite often just spectate from an admins point of view. ( I never pass comment though)
Skype Username: Tarmbo
Do you have a working mic?:yes
Real Name: Tim Armstrong
Xfire Username:None
Steam Username:None
How much responsibility would you like to have in the clan? As much as you would like to give me. I ran a server with other admins quite successfully for 18 months and was Senior Admin on another.
Are you willing or able to donate?: Yes but as I have been off work ill for 18 months funds are difficult right now.
How long have you been playing COD? 10 yrs ish
What other clans have you been in in the past? EF (my own clan) and as Snr Admin on AK Version 6 COD
What other games do you play or like? None
« Last Edit: February 08, 2014, 01:38:55 am by {FH}kit2sek »