I need more information from you, I can't find you in our database and your IP address is not listed in our console log.
There are no issues with the CoD4x client being used.
When was the last time you played on the server?
What is your GUID? One way to find your GUID is to connect to a server and type '/pb_myguid' into your console. Another way is to launch a CoD4 server on your LAN from your computer, connect to it, and get it from that console output.
Is the issue limited to the FFA1 server, or is it all of our {FH} servers that have you listed as permanently banned? Can you try and connect to our First to Thirty server? To connect you can use 'cod4.fhclan.com:28970' or ''.
Post back here with as much as you can, and we'll do our best to figure this out.