Hey guys!
I've been playing around for a while now on other servers, just thought I would stop by to say how much better FH is than any other clan out there right now. For someone of my skill level, I get a lot of admins questioning wether or not I hack and I get banned from good servers a lot. This leads to me posting on other forums a lot with a lot of ban appeals, and other clans suck at the process. Just check this out.
I was banned from the NRNS servers a couple weeks ago, I went through the ban appeal process, and with a lot of effort and convincing, I got unbanned. I played on the server again and in 10 min, I was banned for wallhacking.
Heres the comment I posted:
Comment on this matter: Second time now. I just don't understand how you possibly thought I was cheating when I was banned. I can't think of one shot that was the least bit skeptical that would make you think I could see through walls. At this point, Im not really expecting an unban, but a demo for proof would be awesome. ,
Here is the head admins response:
This time is was not me the one who banned you but a totally different admin.
Its good that you are not expecting an unban, because you are not getting one.
A demo for proof of your hacking? I'm sorry, but I would not be able to buy a HDD big enough to store demos of all the players that get banned here in a week.
You must have confused this with some kind of democracy, you are guilty until YOU prove that you are not. If you had a video of your game in question, I would have been happy to review it, but, if you did not, then its your word against the admin, and since this is your second chance in less than a month for the same violation, then the decision its made.
Hope that you find the explanation better than just a plain NO.
Ban Stays
Thanks for not sucking and genuinely being a prick about bans. You guys rock!