Well , I was playing in the server with a few of your guys' members and they requested that I post a story here so here it goes lol
(true story)Well, I'd been driving around all summer , messing around , doing stupid stuff , having fun . Then my birthday came , and my parents finally decided to take me to get my license . Well , its 10:00PM , and I had to get to my moms(which was a town over) , so i could go take my drivers test in the morning , well my ex step dad was incredibly sick so he wasn't able to take me and told me to just take his car and be safe(he had been letting me drive his car all summer so he trusted me) . Little did he know about the shitty(literally) situation I was about to be in . Well , I was going down one of the main roads going from the town I was in to the town my mom was in , and it being about 10:30 at night , it was pitch black outside , the headlights in the car sucked , even with the brights on . I'm going about 70-75mph down this road , there's a car about 50-80 feet in front of me and oncoming cars in the other lane as well . There was no outline , nobody had swerved , nothing . Next thing I know there's a cow standing in front of me in the road about maybe 15-20 feet away , I slammed on the brakes and turn the wheel as fast as I could to the right .
*BOOM* I just hit a damn cow . There's cow sh*t and blood all over the drivers side of the car , it's totaled . Some way , some how , the car was still running , no knocking or anything , running perfectly fine , so I drove it over to the side of the road , tried to get out , my door was jammed . I had to sit there and kick it for 5 minutes while on the phone with my ex step dad telling him I totaled his car and needed him to get to me asap , he was on a date , and his date had driven him to me cause I had his only car , I would have gotten away scott free if it weren't for the dude that pulled over and called the cops . My step dad had gotten there before the cops , but the guy wouldn't leave so my step dad couldn't say it was him driving and not me . When the paramedics and cops arrived , they both said that I should not be alive , let alone the state I was in . The cop could have written me up for multiple things(i had a few illegals in the car & I'm underage) , but he told me he was just about to get off and didn't want to mess up my record(which is clean) , so he gave me a Driving Without Privileges ticket , and I went on my way home with a concussion and a scratch on my arm .
The DWP ticket that I ended up getting got bumped down to a Driving with an Invalid License and it was a $226 fine that my step dad paid cause he could have told me no to driving .
Wanna know the sh*ttiest part ? All of my windows were down . When I crashed , a lot of the sh*t and blood went straight on me .
#RIPBetsy , you will be missed .